What are Genius Vision general policy for troubleshooting?
As a general policy of Genius Vision, we are not able to respond to any field problems, unless the information provided contains essentials clue. This is designed to counter protocol abuse against the technical support channel. So before one makes any field problem requests, please make sure one have provided enough clues.
Often, in order to gather required clues, spending some serious effort to do troubleshooting by oneself is necessary. These efforts may include:
1. Testing on multiple different computers.
2. Interchanging potential incompatible computer components (including software components such as drivers, hardware components, and internal cabling that connects components).
3. Examine for possible deteriorated hard disks, network cables, and switches/routers.
4. Rule out possible influences from malicious hackers or computer virus/malwares.
In light of the possibilities described above, the local diagnostic effort becomes very important, in which Genius Vision is not able to provide.