Translated: en=>ja from How to implement configuring of ImagingOptions (Brightness, Saturation, etc)
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Warning! This is an implementation hint article. Read this first.
To understand this part, please read the following hint first:
To support configuring of ImagingOptions, following commands must be supported by the camera:
- GetProfiles. The existence of each value under the returned by the matching Profile/VideoSource/Imaging (including BacklightCompensation, Brightness, ColorSaturation, Contrast, Exposure, Focus, IrCutFilter, Sharpness, WideDynamicRange, WhiteBalance, etc) determines if that value is can be used in NVR client.
- <ver20/imaging>GetOptions or <ver10/imaging>GetOptions
- <ver20/imaging>SetImagingSettings, or <ver10/imaging>SetImagingSettings
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