Translated: en=>ja from How to implement PTZ
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Warning! This is an implementation hint article. Read this first.
Calling sequence
- Check the NVR configuration parameter UsePTZ to see if PTZ is enabled. If not enabled, entire PTZ function initialization is skipped. The setting of UsePTZ will also be used to determine if version 1.0 or verision 2.0 of ONVIF PTZ will be used to communicate with the camera.
- Calls <ver20/ptz>GetPresets or <ver10/ptz>GetPresets (depend on the value of UsePTZ) to get a list of PTZ presets.
- If mouse PTZ operation is commenced, calls <ver20/ptz>ContinuousMove or <ver10/ptz>ContinuousMove (depend on the value of UsePTZ) to engage PTZ moving operation.
- If preset-goto operation is commenced, calls <ver20/ptz>GotoPreset or <ver10/ptz>GotoPreset (depend on the value of UsePTZ) to engage PTZ preset-goto operation.
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