How to export video footage to distribute to others
Recorded video on Genius Vision NVR can be exported and copied to other PCs to be played without setting up NVR. The Genius Vision portable video format has file extension of .XGV. To get .XGV files, use the exporting footage function: Exporting footage
Exported video footages can be copied like any files.
To view .XGV files, users need to install the footage player. The footage player is bundled in any version of Genius Vision NVR. Just select 'client only' during installation to install. Unlike NVR server, footage player does not require any license.
After installation of footage player, double click on the exported footage to play. The stand-alone player functions like players in Genius Vision NVR. Users can use buttons or timebar to navigate. Keep in mind that multiple channels can be stored in a single file. Click on the caption to switch among them.
See also
- Genius Vision NVR: Install remote NVR client and footage player
- Can you provide “.xgv” or ".xsf" footage file player?
- GV User Manual: Player
- Exporting footage