How to try (trial, demo or evaluation) or pay NVR Software Subscription?
Update: As a policy update, starting from 2018/3/1, Subscription trial period will be limited to 7 days. Also, only one product item per account will allow to be created for trial
Before start using NVR Software Subscription, users must sign up and create subscription. Please refer to How to sign up for NVR Software Subscription?
When subscription and its product items are created, they are tentative and cannot be used by NVR. Users can choose to begin trial or pay to make product items effective. Trial is 100% free and there's not any limit to supported functions and features. There's a limit per subscriber that within 365 days only 10 trial product items can be created.
Supported functions and quantity for trial and paid license are exactly the same. Users are advised to set up NVR as it's intended to be used at trial stage. Install proper package and quantity of license by the system design. And after trial, subscription can be paid to become formal license, without any change to NVR config.
To begin trial, on a tentative product item click on 'TRY or PAY'.
Review the package, quantity, and date range. If everything is correct, click 'Begin trial'. Then license data is ready to be synced to NVR. Please refer to How to download updated NVR Software Subscription?
See also
- How to sign up for NVR Software Subscription?
- How to download updated NVR Software Subscription?
- How does Software Subscription Framework work about software trial (demo or evaluation)?
Genius Vision Software Subscription: How to sign up and begin trial?
Genius Vision Software Subscription: How to download & install and activate?