Genius Vision Technical Support Forum Rules
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(Updated: 2017/11/5)
Genius Vision NVR technical support forum is a moderated Discord-based forum(what's that?), allowing live interaction among users. To be invited to the forum, please use invitation link below. Guests of the forum must read the rules and follow them accordingly. These rules will now be enforced, so violation of rules will receive "perma-ban". Please respect the rules so we can all utilize the forum to help users. We later added general contact guidelines, which also applies to this forum.
Forum invitation link
What this forum is NOT for (forum NO's)
- N1 - This forum is NOT for individual users troubleshooting or tutorial. (find out why at here.) To distinguish troubleshooting from technical support please check this article. In order for us to help you with a particular trouble, you need to provide clues (what is a clue?), otherwise this forum is not for you.
- N2 - This forum is NOT for individual users to discuss IP camera support issue. The best way to deal with IP camera compatibility issue is to have the camera vendor's technical department to contact us. We do not allow individuals to discuss IP camera support issues here. The reason is explained here.
- N3 - This forum is NOT for individual users to solve the problem of their own particular usage or environment. (find out why at here.) This technical support forum is not intended to discuss individual use cases. Please discuss your technical questions, from the viewpoint of product feature. For example, if you can find a specific manual document about your question, please discuss the document, instead of your use cases.
- N4 - Don't post log files and ask for troubleshooting - Log files can contain sensitive information about your computer, so don't expose them in a public forum. If we need you to send log files, we will explicit tell you what and where to send, as also explained here.
What this forum is for (forum YES's)
NOTE: If you think forum YES rules conflict with NO rules, then NO rules take precedence.
- Y1 - Help users to find answers in knowledge-base (KB). Genius Vision NVR is a piece of professional software, that is built upon a pile of static KBs (including technical articles and tutorial videos). It could be challenging for new users to find the right information, so we're here to help. Of course, if you can try to find KB by yourself (here's how you use KB), it will save everyone a lot of time.
- Y2 - Improve knowledge-base to help future users. If the KB is not easy to understand, then you can make the suggestion here about how to adjust the KB to better help future users. The suggestion should only be addressed to the KB, and not the software itself. Software enhancement suggestion is a whole different topic and is described below.
- Y3 - Software enhancement "process" establishment. Software enhancement is a giant topic. Before we can actually discuss software enhancement, we can discuss the "process" of discussing software enhancement. Our vision about community-based software enhancement is described here. A tentative Dropbox Paper (online collaboration platform) is created for this purpose. So, please DO NOT discuss actual software enhancement suggestions in the forum, but only discuss the "process", for current time being.
- Y4 - Discuss Community Platform contributed content. In order to get your editing proposals on the Community Platform approved, please bring up a discussion in the forum.
Forum rules
- R1 - Please keep language clean. This is a public forum, please do not reveal any sensitive information. Please only use English, and not any other languages, when posting in this forum. Please give common courtesy and respect to the developer of the software you are using.
- R2 - Please don't send private-message to the admin about any issues. Only use forum to communicate.
- R3 - If you are not clear about the rules, please discuss the rules before potentially violating them. The rules will be enforced. Violations of the rules can result in permanent ban to the forum.
- R4 - Please do not disrupt forum order. This includes:
(1) do not repost similar messages repeatedly in adjacent timeframe
(2) do not use languages of "high frequency" or "strong demand" to disrupt the order and focus of the forum.
(3) do not discuss under speculation, "hear and say", or anticipation. Instead, please discuss based on "tangible facts".
(4) posting advertisements are strongly prohibited.
(5) do not discuss iOS 11 related issue. iOS 11 is answered here.
See also
- What is this website about Genius Vision?
- Why can't you solve individual user's technical problem? If so, isn't this forum quite useless?