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Can you integrate xxx model camera?
What are the suggested hardware specifications?
What is the benefit to contribute to Example System?
How do I contribute to Example System?
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about Genius Vision NVR. In addition, you can share your experience there or ask for help, be it about our NVR or IP surveillance. We don't always have an answer but we will try our best. And there might be other users willing to help.
Can you integrate xxx model camera?
Please try our Community Platform before asking for integration. There're camera drivers for download on Community Platform. These are contributed by our helpful users.
You can also try to integrate a camera by yourself. Genius Vision NVR has an unique feature called Generic Camera Driver that enables users to integrate cameras by themselves. Some technical background may be required but there is absolutely no coding. It's as easy as using RTSP URL to connect to an IP camera. Only with more functions and more manual reading. Please check our Generic Camera Driver Manual. After you successfully integrate a camera, we (as well as many users) will appreciate if you share the settings on Community Platform.
If you can't find any working driver on Community Platform and you can't get Generic Camera Driver to work either, you can send the camera to our lab. We might see what we can do about it. Please refer to How can I provide my camera for testing?
What are the suggested hardware specifications?
We don't suggest hardware. We test equipments and see what they can and cannot do. But different users may find different hardware suitable for their needs. So instead of suggesting hardware, we open the specs, configurations, and test results, for users to study and decide if the hardware is good for their applications. For more details please check Spec and Diagram.
How can I provide 3rd party products (such as camera, device, or application) to participate the development of Example System?
Rules of "Example System integration"
- The camera/device must stay in our lab no less than 6 months to ensure the test adequacy and completeness.
- You need to advise & explain what product competitive edge that will be gained by Genius Vision by putting this effort.
- Genius Vision develop & integrate 3rd-party components (such as camera, device, or application) based on the principle of "Open Specification Integration", which means what we integrate must be accessible and available to all Genius Vision NVR users, including pricing & buying information. If you do not agree to this term, please do not participate.
- The decision of whether or not to integrate the 3rd party component, will be made on the sole discretion of Genius Vision. Generally, this means we will decide only to integrate what is most valuable addition to our product, considering current resource prioritization.
- The integration and testing process will be initiated any moment from receipt of the products. However, no exact date will be given, the schedule will be dynamically adjusted in accordance with our own project scheme.
- If, after testing, the device failed to meet Genius Vision's quality standard, we might not proceed with the integration.
- The 3rd-party product information and the test result will be made public.
- Genius Vision will not be responsible for round-trip freight shipping cost and someone else needs to pay for it, in case shipping is needed.
Examples of the rules
Here we briefly explain the rules by some examples:
- If integration of the component requires signing an NDA or treat it like a secret, we will not proceed with Example System integration. This is because after a successful integration, we will publish product information and pricing/availability on our website, thus allowing all Genius Vision NVR's users to acquire such component.
- In order to ensure component availability, we will try to contact the seller and confirm the price and availability, before submitting to internal review. If product availability couldn't be confirmed, the integration request will be rejected.
- If the component could not be bought by Genius Vision (when opted), we will not proceed with the Example System integration.
- Some camera spec looks good. However, after test, it keeps video loss without a tangible solution, we will stop the integration, even when the camera has arrived to our lab.
Please also note that, even if your integration request doesn't fit the rules described above, it doesn't mean it couldn't be integrated. It just means that we couldn't do it without charging expensive integration fees. This type of integration request will fall into the category of paid consultant services. More information can be looked-up in this FAQ entry.
If conditions stated above are acceptable then please provide following required information. (Please note all listed items are mandatory information, in order to submit to further review).
- Model No.
- Spec Sheet, preferably in PDF format.
- Manufacturer name
- Where to buy
- Discounted Price to GV (will not be made public, purchase only for internal lab use)
Remarks: A request for delivery will be submitted to you once your application passes the preliminary review.
Open a new case to submit your contribution request
After reading the above, if you feel it's very important and necessary for Genius Vision to test your equipment, please open a new case in our Case Management Subsystem. We will process your case, and will need your input along the handling of the case.
See also
What is the benefit to contribute to Example System?
As a user, contributing to Example System directly improves Genius Vision NVR. You can participate in our development and testing process to help NVR software evolves.
See also
How do I contribute to Example System?
You can give us feedback about NVR software, NVR system architecture, or simply your experience with our software or other surveillance products. Furthermore, you can put equipments you like us to test in our lab, improving integration of our software and equipments.
See also
- What is the benefit to contribute to Example System?
- Example System FAQ
- How can I provide 3rd party products (such as camera, device, or application) to participate the development of Example System?