Example System / Genius Vision Rapid Answerer
What’s the typical time frame for any software modification?
Our product development cycle is 3~6 months. General speaking, no software modification is "very small" or "very easy". It's our experience that rush modification will leave us no time to ensure the test adequacy nor completeness, which is prone to introduce catastrophic bugs, after all, reliability is not easily achieved nor controlled in this way.
When it comes to the "project specific modification" in which specific time-frame is crucial (no matter what is asked to modify). This type of modification disrupts entire R&D operation, therefore, we have to go through project scheme then justify whether the new demand can be inserted in and to be accomplished in time.
See also
- How to participate in software enhancement discussion and suggestion?
- What if I need some kind of software modification to win a project? Can you help me?
- How to estimate fee required for consultant services? (including SDK tech-support, software-modification, or remote assistance)
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