Example System / Genius Vision Rapid Answerer
I want to do some business with you.
I want to rebrand your product. How to proceed?
Please fill out your sales inquiry form and let us know a bit about you to our business: http://geniusvision.net/how-to-buy---sales-inquiry.html
I want to be your distributor/reseller who get significant discount. How to proceed?
Please fill out your sales inquiry form and let us know a bit about you to our business: http://geniusvision.net/how-to-buy---sales-inquiry.html
Do you have a brand-neutral version of software?
Our NVR Lite Edition does not have apparent branding on the software GUI. Understand more at NVR Lite Edition FAQ.
I see a promising market of XXX, but I need you to modify your software a bit. Can you do it?
This is answered in FAQ and technical article.
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